Insights Topic

The Perilous Pursuit of Ratings Perfection

Nielsen and Rentrak Take Different Approaches to Building a Better TV Ratings Mousetrap [Blog Post]

Why Programmatic Can be the Secret Ingredient Behind Successful TV Advertising [Breaking News]

Online advertising products no longer have the exclusive upper hand with…

Cox Media and TubeMogul Announce Partnership [Breaking News]

Digital Video
Tube Mogul
Cox Media
Mike Zeigler

Cox Media Partners With TubeMogul For Web Video Ad Sales [Breaking News]

Little by little, the TV ad business is adopting principles from digital…

TV Gets With the Programmatic Program [Breaking News]

Cox Media leads the way in experiments with digital ad techniques honed in the world of Internet video.

Power of Branded TV Content v. Other Media

The strength of branded content compared to other media; how to compete with newspapers, radio and magazines by showcasing television’s strength against each medium.

Rentrak and Kantar Partner to Integrate Retail Purchase Data and TV Viewing Information for TV Planning, Targeting and Measurement

Rentrak and Kantar partner to integrate retail purchase data and TV viewing information; programmatic

Analysis: Obama’s ad team used cable TV to outplay Romney

Cable boosts political advertising for Obama campaign

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