truTV: Tacoma FD [Returning Series]
In Season 2, the squad finds themselves fighting fires at a haunted house, trapped in an elevator
during the annual Firemen’s Ball and creating fire safety videos with the buffest group of firemen in
2A PREMIERES: Thursday, March 26 at 10:00pm (ET)
Episode Count: 6
Finale: Thursday, April 30 at 10:00pm (ET) (NOTE: Finale date impacted COVID-19)
Target Demo: A18-49
2B PREMIERES: Thursday, July 23 at 10:00pm (ET)
Episode Count: 7
Finale: Thursday, September 3 at 10:00pm (ET)
Target Demo: A18-49

All dates and times are subject to change by their respective networks. Always consult your Cox Media Consultant for local listings.
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