TVOne: Dear Santa, I Need a Date [Original Movie]
Dear Santa, I Need a Date tells the comedic story of two successful and ambitious siblings Jannelle and Jason Vaughn. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn, are proud of their children’s flourishing careers but are displeased with their dating lives. Every holiday season, the Vaughn’s anxiously prepare for their children to bring home a significant other only to be disappointed. This year, The Vaughn’s apply pressure by expressing their concerns that Jason and Janelle, which sparks a bet between the siblings on who can find a date by Christmas.
PREMIERES: Sunday, December 8 at 7:00pm EST
Episode Count: N/A
Finale: N/A
Target Demo: A18-34, 25-54

All dates and times are subject to change by their respective networks. Always consult your Cox Media Consultant for local listings.
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