The Professor’s Perspective Episode 8: The Value of Traditional TV and Streaming

05.21.2024 David Gustafson4 min

This video highlights key benefits of traditional TV and streaming advertising – and how they work best when combined in a multiscreen campaign.

Some combinations are great on their own, but legendary when combined. According to recent studies from eMarketer and Comcast/Effectv, implementing both traditional TV and streaming into multiscreen marketing campaigns can have a great impact on advertising success.

Did you know that on average, US adults spend the equivalent of half a day, every day consuming content? Beyond that, video alone accounts for seven of those hours. In the four-minute video above, we unpack this time spent with video each day, and further break that down into traditional TV and streaming segments, showcasing what makes these approaches different and how powerful they can be when used in tandem.

When you combine traditional TV advertising’s broad reach and credibility with the surging popularity and targeting precision of streaming, you achieve a comprehensive marketing strategy enabling businesses to maximize their reach and impact across diverse audience segments, ultimately driving brand awareness, engagement, and conversions.

From time spent with media to generational advertising and more, we have more informational videos just like this one. Want to hear more from The Professor? Check out all videos in The Professor’s Perspective video series here.

Want to speak with a media expert about integrating traditional and/or streaming advertising into your holistic marketing campaigns? Contact your Cox Media consultant or complete the form on this page to get connected today.

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About the Author

David Gustafson

As Cox Media’s Director of Audience Research, David drives positive outcomes for marketers by applying a unique blend of data-informed analysis, industry expertise, and storytelling skills that have earned him a tenured role as the company’s “Professor.” Specializing in audience measurement and market intelligence, David is a member of the Ampersand Cross-MVPD Research Committee, Nielsen Local Policy Guidelines Committee (PGC) and VAB Measurement Innovation Task Force, as well as client advisor to Comscore.

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