The Professor’s Perspective Episode 9: The 2024 Video Landscape (So Far)

09.30.2024 David Gustafson4 min

This video highlights key stats about consumption of media in Cox Media video homes, with a special spotlight on the reach opportunity with sports programming.

Sports Programming & News: A Dynamic Combo for Audiences

In the first half of 2024, sporting events accounted for the top-viewed programs in five out of the six months, only losing out to news in June with coverage of presidential debates. Watch the full video embedded on this page to see how sports fit into overall media consumption measurement, understand more about “super fans,” and gain a general sense of how engaged viewers in Cox Media video homes are compared to the general population.

Advertising in sports is one of the most impactful ways to reach your target audience across traditional television, streaming, and other digital channels. Learn more about sports programming opportunities with Cox Media here.

From time spent with media to generational advertising and more, we have more informational videos just like this one. Want to hear more from The Professor? Check out all videos in The Professor’s Perspective video series here.

Want to speak with a media expert about integrating traditional and/or streaming advertising related to sports programming into your holistic marketing campaigns? Contact your Cox Media consultant or complete the form on this page to get connected today.

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About the Author

David Gustafson

As Cox Media’s Director of Audience Research, David drives positive outcomes for marketers by applying a unique blend of data-informed analysis, industry expertise, and storytelling skills that have earned him a tenured role as the company’s “Professor.” Specializing in audience measurement and market intelligence, David is a member of the Ampersand Cross-MVPD Research Committee, Nielsen Local Policy Guidelines Committee (PGC) and VAB Measurement Innovation Task Force, as well as client advisor to Comscore.

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