
Advertising in Tulsa

Expand your business and reach more customers with digital and TV advertising in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Tulsa is Oklahoma’s second-largest city, with almost 1 million residents and a median age of 35. Tourists come from near and far to visit our magnificent Art Deco treasures, the Philbrook and Gilcrease Museums, historic Route 66 gems and the state-of-the-art BOK Center. Our city’s high wages and low cost of living gives businesses like yours a healthy economy to tap into. With your business’ goals in mind, our Tulsa team can combine local insights like these, your business knowledge, and our marketing expertise, to develop a strategic, effective advertising approach customized to your needs.




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Achieve Your Goals With Local Insights

We live and work here in Tulsa, so we understand the demographics, nuances, cultures and business considerations of this area. This local perspective can help you advertise in an authentic, impactful way, leading to more effective marketing campaigns. It also means we are able to sit with you, in person, to truly understand your business challenges and objectives providing a more personal and collaborative approach to our partnership. We want to see our city flourish, so we have a genuine interest in your success.

Supporting Our Community

Find Your Customers

You want to reach the people who will make a purchase, come back again and again, and tell everyone they know about your business. We can help you find your audience with sophisticated targeting and a strategic mix of digital and TV advertising.

Maximize Your ROI

Uncover the best advertising strategy to get the most from your marketing budget with our personalized approach. Our process combines in-depth research and planning, influential creative, strategic optimization and transparent reporting.

Strategic Support for Every Business

Success Story 1

Increasing Qualified Traffic and Marketing ROI for Oklahoma Auto Dealership Group

A group of Oklahoma automotive dealers was looking to enhance its digital advertising strategy and collaborated with Cox Media to increase vehicle sales and web traffic.

Streaming success image for location pages

Driving In-Store Foot Traffic and Sales Through a Streaming Video Ad Campaign

Streaming ad inventories continue to grow, expanding the market of opportunities for businesses eager to advertise through digital video—and making it easier than ever to target a niche audience through this highly engaging ad channel. We partnered with a local tire retailer to help them do just that.

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