Understanding Attribution on Streaming Services: A Guide for Local Advertisers

The market for advertising on streaming services has exploded in recent years. As businesses increase their investments into streaming, accurate attribution becomes all the more important. Compared to other marketing and advertising channels, though, attributing ROI for streaming ads can be a complex process affected by your data collection practices, your ability to match ad…

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The Pulse on Programming: October 2023 Preview

Welcome back to our monthly programming spotlight! We know that, as a local business owner, it’s imperative for you to reach your target audience now more than ever. That is why we have put together a monthly preview highlighting three cable programs that represent exciting advertising opportunities for local businesses. We’ve rounded up information on…

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How to Advertise to Millennials and Gen X: Best Practices for Your Digital Strategy

There’s a reason why generational marketing endures as an audience targeting strategy across all industries. Despite all of the diversity that exists within a single generation, each of these groups is shaped by technology innovations, economic events, and other formative, collective experiences. These resulting characteristics have a significant impact on how each generation behaves as…

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